2021-06-12, 16:30–16:55, Track 2
The lines between computers and humans are inherently blurred by biology versus chemistry, however, the relationship between how a computer and how the human mind works is much more obvious.
Why do we think like computers? Why do computers tend to operate like the human brain? In this brief talk we'll discuss how we organize thoughts, how we segment different processes, and how we have inadvertently designed tech to have similar issues as humans. We will discuss the intricacies of the human mind as it relates to the very eerily similar operations performed by common computing architectures used today. Processes such as sorting, organization, archival, memory retrieval and short term storage, along with data encryption, application delivery, and even some data optimization techniques will be reviewed as they relate to the human mind. We will also discuss some pop culture references, such as commonly referred to films that integrate their characters into a story line focusing on the connections between the human mind, technology, and the digital landscape through computing systems.
Currently serving as the Manager of Technical Services for Seiso, LLC. a Pittsburgh based cybersecurity, governance, risk, and compliance company. Known by ericlandmine via Twitter. Run/Own/Operate the Reddup Security podcast. BSidesPGH Organizer. Long time fan, long time attendee of various BSides conferences.