2021-06-12, 16:00–16:45, Track 1
Walking through of the identifies security holes during the development process, analyzing many languages and codes, like as, C, C #, Java, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, Golang, Javascript, JSON… And searching for key leaks and security flaws in all files of your project, as well as in Git history.
Practical demonstration of how a Developer can use a SAST tool for static analysis in code vulnerability, executing it in source code, byte code and/or binary and identifying security holes during the development process, analyzing many languages and codes, like as, C, C #, Java, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, Golang, Javascript, JSON… And searching for key leaks and security flaws in all files of your project, as well as in Git history and in addition to receiving a managerial view with all this analysis information.
I've been working Principal Security Engineer and Security Researcher at Zup Innovation, Global Research Manager at Hacker Security, Staff of DEFCON Group São Paulo-Brazil, I have talked in Security events in US, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Brazil and others countries, served as University Professor in graduation and MBA courses at colleges as FIAP / Mackenzie / UNIBTA and UNICIV, in addition, I'm Founder and Instructor of the Course - Malware Analysis - Fundamentals (HackerSec Company - Online Course).