Kat Fitzgerald
Based in Seattle and a natural creature of winter, you can typically find me sipping Grand Mayan Extra Anejo whilst simultaneously defending my systems using OSS, magic spells and Dancing Flamingos. Honeypots & Refrigerators are a few of my favorite things! Fun Fact: I rescue Feral Pop Tarts and have the only Pop Tart Sanctuary in the Seattle area.
Threat Modeling in only 10 minutes? I’m in!! Oh wait, it’s really 40 minutes? That’s cool, I can work that in. Yes, Threat Modeling is both FUN and EXCITING and can shave tons of time off SDLC - if done right. So let’s get down and dirty and see what it takes to do a good Threat Model!!
Honeypots AND live demos all in one place? Yes, why YES I tell you! Sure, honeypots aren’t new, but how they’re used is what makes this talk different. Presented for your viewing pleasure: customized honeypot configurations and how they are used to detect attacks against your environment.