Matt Tesauro
Matt Tesauro is a DevSecOps and AppSec guru with specialization in creating security programs, leveraging automation to maximize team velocity and training emerging and senior professionals. When not writing automation code in Go, Matt is pushing for DevSecOps everywhere via his involvement in open-source projects, presentations, trainings and new technology innovation.
As a versatile engineer, Matt’s background spans software development (primarily web development), Linux system administration, penetration testing and application / cloud security. He thrives on tackling technical problems, but his economics background gives him a unique understanding of business constraints and incentives around security initiatives.
Early in his career, Matt served as Director of Community and Operations at the OWASP Foundation, Senior AppSec Engineer at Duo Security, Senior Software Security Engineer at Pearson and Senior Product Security Engineer at Rackspace.

DefectDojo was created by DevSecOps people for DevSecOps people. In this talk, you’ll learn about DefectDojo and how to make the most of it. DefectDojo can be your single pane of glass for discovered security vulnerabilities, report generation, aggregation of over 150+ different security tools, and so much more. DefectDojo was the heart of an AppSec automation effort that saw an increase in assessments from 44 to 414 in two years. Don't you want 9.4 times more output from your AppSec program?